SW15 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW15 6 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW15 6 Postcodes (Active). SW15 6 postcode sector comprises of 216 active postcodes. SW15 6 sector has a population of 9308, and it has 4280 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW15 6 postcode sector

SW15 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9308
Addresses / Property Count 4280
Active Postcodes 216
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SW15 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 216 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW15 6AA 51.46076800 -0.21750300 N/A N/A 523930 175039
SW15 6AB 51.46076800 -0.21750300 N/A N/A 523930 175039
SW15 6AD 51.45770600 -0.21958000 N/A N/A 523794 174695
SW15 6AE 51.46096000 -0.21944400 3 12 523795 175057
SW15 6AF 51.45981900 -0.21773200 5 11 523917 174933
SW15 6AG 51.46017800 -0.21771300 9 17 523917 174973
SW15 6AH 51.45938800 -0.21839700 4 11 523872 174884
SW15 6AJ 51.45974800 -0.21843500 4 11 523868 174924
SW15 6AL 51.45948200 -0.22040800 44 96 523732 174891
SW15 6AN 51.45992600 -0.22129300 6 19 523669 174939
SW15 6AP 51.46060500 -0.21918400 18 42 523814 175018
SW15 6AQ 51.45899900 -0.21819600 48 104 523887 174841
SW15 6AR 51.46027200 -0.21852100 25 41 523861 174982
SW15 6AS 51.46071300 -0.22096000 50 96 523690 175027
SW15 6AW 51.46049300 -0.22006700 33 66 523753 175004
SW15 6BA 51.46036600 -0.21702000 11 22 523965 174995
SW15 6BB 51.45989800 -0.21704700 55 91 523964 174943
SW15 6BD 51.45919900 -0.21723300 23 38 523953 174865
SW15 6BE 51.45872600 -0.21742400 21 47 523941 174812
SW15 6BF 51.45732100 -0.21912000 N/A N/A 523827 174653
SW15 6BG 51.45834200 -0.21765500 22 35 523926 174769
SW15 6BH 51.45684700 -0.21806400 N/A N/A 523902 174602
SW15 6BJ 51.45609400 -0.21879300 19 39 523853 174517
SW15 6BL 51.45552200 -0.21847000 29 49 523877 174454
SW15 6BS 51.45699100 -0.22637800 2 8 523324 174604
SW15 6BT 51.45726900 -0.22516800 20 48 523407 174637
SW15 6BU 51.45687400 -0.22516800 20 56 523408 174593
SW15 6BW 51.46049600 -0.21856400 N/A N/A 523857 175007
SW15 6BX 51.45646800 -0.22511200 20 57 523413 174548
SW15 6BY 51.45645900 -0.22453700 22 41 523453 174548
SW15 6BZ 51.45724700 -0.22426200 30 61 523470 174636
SW15 6DA 51.45729200 -0.22368400 30 91 523510 174642
SW15 6DB 51.45652300 -0.22397300 22 54 523492 174556
SW15 6DD 51.45654100 -0.22339700 21 55 523532 174559
SW15 6DE 51.45724300 -0.22280800 30 58 523571 174638
SW15 6DF 51.45637100 -0.22226600 6 16 523611 174542
SW15 6DG 51.45679400 -0.22227800 18 43 523609 174589
SW15 6DJ 51.45763400 -0.21894000 N/A N/A 523839 174688
SW15 6DL 51.46221100 -0.22488900 N/A N/A 523413 175187
SW15 6DP 51.45742000 -0.21967700 N/A N/A 523788 174663
SW15 6DQ 51.45727000 -0.22226000 12 22 523609 174642
SW15 6DR 51.45767100 -0.22078100 28 81 523711 174689
SW15 6DS 51.45801400 -0.22208700 48 95 523619 174725
SW15 6DT 51.45785000 -0.22368200 4 9 523509 174704
SW15 6DU 51.45859500 -0.22417100 26 63 523473 174786
SW15 6DX 51.45774300 -0.22559500 25 52 523376 174689
SW15 6DY 51.45844900 -0.22587000 35 79 523355 174767
SW15 6DZ 51.45768800 -0.22662500 11 35 523305 174681
SW15 6EA 51.45840300 -0.22759900 17 60 523235 174759
SW15 6ED 51.45815000 -0.22095000 7 19 523698 174742
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